July 1, 2018
“First, let me say thank you to you and the staff or the outstanding family picnic you have to us on Sunday. I can’t remember the last time I had so much fun and such delicious food. Frank and Jay did such an unbelievable job, I don’t know how they will surpass the party next year! And all the workers spread all around were so helpful and polite – as usual! I was truly amazed. I used to help at Blessed Sacrament’s Spring Festival, and I can tell you it is tons of work! And the fact that they all still had smiles on their faces and were so nice and cooperative, speaks extremely high for you and Cosa!
As my days dwindle down to when I will be saying goodbye August 31, I can tell you it gets harder and harder to leave this wonderful family and place. I have no complaints to leave you with and only wish I didn’t have to go. In just a few months, I have become very spoiled from all your wonderful staff and residents. I’m very sad to be leaving my friends I have made here. And you are an excellent E.D. With all your work and deadlines, your door is always open to us and you have never acted like you were too busy to listen to us. Having been in a workplace for 61 years, I can tell you there aren’t many top guns who are as friendly and helpful as you. I hope the company realizes what a great gal they have in you.”